Church Council
We belong to the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad, which has
congregations all over the world and is a member of the Lutheran World
Federation. The largest congregations are in the USA and Canada, but
there are also congregations in Australia and in Europe. Our
archbishop, Lauma Zušēvica, lives in the United States. The governing body of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Great Britain is the Church Council, which has the following membership.
Chairman and Dean: Very Revd Daira Vāvere Chairman of the Trustees and Hon. Treasurer: Pēteris Svilis Hon. Secretary: Una Torstere Member: Revd Viesturs Vāvere
 Pēteris Svilis Chairman of the Trustees Tel/fax. 020 8888 0731 Mob. 07977 179104 psvilis@btconnect.com
 Una Torstere Hon. Secretary